Archives for category: Simplicity

This month is a bit of pinch for me when coming to economy. Last month didn’t bring as much as normal, and lots of bills (the irony) were waiting for me. That plus the mandatory savings that I put away each month, plus retirement savings, didn’t leave too much left.

So I decided to give a try to a tactic my friend told me about a while ago. It’s pretty simple but it gives a great overview of your current state in the economy this month. It looks like this:

economy overview

It’s all in Swedish Crowns

It’s not much. Once you’ve set up the bootstrap, there’re only two things to change each month: Total and Days this month. The total amount of available money each month is divided by the number of days to show how much you have avaialble every day. The number showed next to saved is how much of your available money you’ve not used this far.

So at the end of every day you enter how much you’ve spent that day in the used column. As you see I’ve put in 0 on day 1 and 2, which brought saved up to 407 (Swedish Crowns, SEK). I can actually see exactly how much of my resources I’ve used this month, that’s awesome! On day 3 I used part of my daily available amount, and on day 4 I did some grocery shopping for the week, using more than I had that day. But I can see that thanks to my days where I didn’t use any I’m still doing well.

When you start using it, it will also be in the back of your head all the time like a last line of defence for when you want to buy a small snack or similar; “Hmm, that ice cream/chocolate bar/*random tasty thing* looks really good. But it’d be awesome to keep the 0 today, and get some more saved points!”.

This motivates me a lot not to spend money on small things, because you will see in a very direct way how it affects your economy at the end of the day. Many times I’ve thought “Bah, 20kr isn’t that much, I can have that“, and bought me a coffee or tea. It’s true, it’s not much, but it’s very hard to have a good overview in your head, and sometimes I would think like that several times in one day, several days in a row, and all of a sudden I’ve used up a lot in a very short period of time. But when you have to put in at the end of every day how much you’ve spent you become much more aware of how much and how fast things pile up.

It’s only the 8th this month, but I think this method has already saved me probably a copule of hunded.

Here’s the link to it if you want to try it out!

Sometimes I find myself thinking without taking any active part of it myself. My thoughts are being thought for me, all thoughts are just reactions to my surroundings. You might also have felt this way, because it’s thoughts you’ve been taught to have. Many times people around you and society teach you that you have to get angry if this happens, and you should be sad if that happens etc.

When I find myself thinking on reflex like that I try to take a break. Feel my surroundings, look at my hands, really be there in the moment being aware that life and everything is now. It’s a really powerful and energizing feeling when you manage and it gives you the feeling that you have the power to choose. More than a feeling actually, the truth.

You’re free to choose how you act on things, how you react, how you think, how you want to do things. Maybe some people will disagree with your ways or try to make you change into reacting “the way you should”. Because even if it makes you feel worse, it’s the “right” way to think.

Is it really? I propose that it might just be a common way to think. But then many people today are unhappy or stressed out. Considering that, breaking from the common way of thinking might just be a very good idea and may have many good effects on your mental and physical well-being.

Many things today we think of differently than we did a couple of years ago, not not to mention a 100 years ago and even further back. Not just as persons but as humans. People’s and society’s way of seeing things have also changed throughout the years. The way we think isn’t decided for us, it’s dynamic and we’re free to choose.

Try to observe your thoughts in situations where you usually think on reflex. Situations when you usually get sad, irritated or angry, and just pause. Take a deep breath and ask yourself if you can’t react in a way that would make you feel better. This does not include thinking of how to take revenge on something bad something did to you, because it might feel a bit better for a second but anger will eventually create guilt, and guilt does not make you feel better. Instead think of how you could change your thoughts right now to make you feel easier on the inside. Maybe you won’t feel happy, but at least at peace.

If you don’t succeed this time, forgive yourself and apologize if you got angry or irritated to whatever or whomever you got angry at, even if it’s just silently inside your head. It will release a lot of stress and you will feel easier on the inside. Then try again the next time.

I just came home from a 4 km barefoot run in pitch dark. The bus wasn’t coming before another 20 minutes so I decided to use the opportunity to run. It had rained a couple of hours earlier, so the asphalt was wet and cool.

When I got home I took a cold shower. We have to make fire to get heat in the water tanks at home, and many times when I get back from a run, we don’t have any hot water so it’s just to step into the shower and get it over with. I didn’t mind though. And it was when I was standing in the shower, not minding it at all, that it got to me that there were many things I don’t mind today that I would’ve gotten very irritated by, just 2 years ago (or even more recently).

First off, just a couple of months ago I didn’t like cold showers at all and avoided them at all costs, even on hot summer days. But one day when I was in Korea 2 months ago, someone forgot to tell me about the hot water switch when I was alone in the apartment, so I stepped into the cold shower. And started laughing. It was such a funny situation that it was all I could do. If I’m gonna do something less enjoyable, I might as well make the most of it! And since that day I sometimes even willingly take cold showers even when there’s hot water in the tanks.

One other thing, is being barefoot. Until 2 years ago I really didn’t like being barefoot. I wanted my foot armor in shape of a shoe. It felt safe and stable. But at some time I started to enjoy being barefoot. Being more natural, not wearing shoes or socks (when it’s not too cold of course, that is), and lately I’ve been more and more into barefoot running. From not liking to be barefoot to prefer running without shoes even when I have them! It feels fantastic and I smile when I think about it.

It feels really good having made this progress in attitude towards things in life. Big ones and small ones. I don’t even sigh when I on rare occasions spill my cup of hot coffee over myself in the morning (don’t ask why I spill my coffee, I can’t answer), I just laugh over the silly situation and clean it up, feeling almost better than before!

Being able to laugh about things that might seem bad at first glance, but really is just silly or funny, have helped me relax and feel better. Good or bad is all about attitude and perspective, and you can chose whether you want to look on something as good or as bad. If something’s happened, it’s happened, and it won’t change because you don’t like it, so make the best of it and find the good or funny parts and laugh at it!

Many times we think that we need to be doing something all the time in order to be productive or just to prevent wasting our time. But even so, every so often we think we don’t have enough time or that we haven’t done enough.

What if the thing we haven’t done enough is to not do anything? The thing you’re worried about not having had time to do might just be that you haven’t taken your time to be still, to think, to not think, or to just enjoy being.

I bet there are hundreds of things in your head that you’d like to have time to process, but so many things are left untouched because you don’t have any time for your brain to work with what’s already in it.

When I ride the bus, the train or the subway, I barely see anyone without a phone in their hand, checking up on mail, communities, talking to someone somewhere else or playing games. People are desperately trying to fill out the ’empty’ time  while going somewhere.

Once in a while just try to consciously do nothing when riding the bus or the subway ( or at other times as well! ). Just be still, see if there are something you want to just think about, or just be, without thinking about anything. It’s strangely refreshing and your brain will probably like the time off from all the constant focus shifts that it has to withstand every day.

Spend some time with focus on yourself, just being aware of yourself, how your body feels, how your mind feels. Many times we’re so busy doing things that we don’t understand what we really need or that we’re getting stressed. Maybe you’re having trouble sleeping because you’re stressed without even knowing it or because your head is whirling with thoughts.

By being still and quiet you can sometimes realize that something’s going on inside you, and that you might be able to fix it before it blooms, or think through things so you don’t do it the time just before you fall asleep. When being still and quiet, you may also come up with ideas and solutions that you wouldn’t have otherwise because you were too busy doing something.

Try to leave some space. Sometimes the most productive thing to do is to do nothing at all.

You cannot change your reality with your will.

You can only adapt yourself, you actions and your mindset toward it.

When you realize this, a lot (but maybe not all) of your anger, irritation, and thoughts of unfairness towards you will dissolve.

You will realize what you need to do, and do it, and do it without feeling annoyed about having to do something. The reality is as it is. It’s not good, it’s not bad, it just is. And you have to face it. All the time. Every day. All you can do is adapt, and take action if needed.

Peaceful moment in silence.

Enjoy being. Being present.

I used to have music in my ears at all time except for when talking to other people. Really, to and from the bus I used my mp3-player. On the bus I used it. At work, school, home, in the car. The times when I just got to work and realized I’d forgotten my mp3-player or my ear phones, my day was ruined! I mean, who can work a full day without listening to music?

Well, I can now. And I even prefer to do it without music (at least my current job).

Since I started to actively trying to get to learn myself better, and be more present, the need for constant distraction has reduced greatly. I focus on what I do, and wether I have music or not while doing it doesn’t really matter any more. Being present in silence is spending time on yourself, whatever you’re doing. And also my ability to be present and focused increase  when I’m not distracted by music and sounds.

I write this even though I love music. I’ve played in several bands and I’ve been to lots of live shows, but there’s a time for music, and there’s a time for silence. My default mode has switched from listening to music to listening to and enjoying silence. Of course I still listen to music, but when I do, I put on music to listen to it, not to keep it as background noise, as a distraction.

The few times I get home by driving a car, when I stop outside the house and turn off the car, the silence is almost magical. It’s so intense and calming. It’s just you, coming home after a probably lively day (or just from having spent some time in a noisy car), and silence. I sit and breath deeply for a while before I get out, almost as getting ready to face the world again. But actually, I’m almost more present in the world in the silence and presence within the quiet car because there are so few distractions.

I believe that many people listen to music all the time during work and on the bus etc. because it feels like you’re a part of ‘it’ that way. That other people are listening to the same thing and that makes you connected to them the moment you also listen to it. It’s just that it doesn’t matter if you listen or not, you’re always part of the world. I think my ability to enjoy time without music has grown from having gotten to know myself better. Simply starting to enjoy spending time alone, or just being. The need for getting feedback that I’m part of ‘it’ is not there anymore.

Try spending some time in silence, intently forget your mp3-player,  try to spend just an hour without music at your work, or ride the bus without your ear phones plugged in! It might be a really pleasant experience! And also, it’s a very, very simple form of enjoying the moment! (And it’s cheap!)

Maybe you too enjoy spending time in silence and being present? Share this post, and feel free to subscribe yourself! And also feel free to follow me on twitter and retweet this post!

Why do people think they need to own everything by themselves in their own yard, house, or even room?

Why do we think we need so big gardens and outdoor furniture just for ourselves when there are public gardens and woods and green areas outside?

Why do we think we need big houses or big gardens so we can move around freely inside them, when we can move as freely as we want outside?

Why do we think we need more furniture and kitchen wares for hosting guests, when we can visit others, or borrow and improvise (or have them bring their own stuff if possible)? Most of us doesn’t have guests that often anyways (At least not so many that the normal amount wouldn’t cover it anyway). What do we think makes us responsible for having enough stuff to support more than our own family? Sure a few extra can be a good idea (not just in case of guests, something might break!) but there’s a limit.

Why do we think we need our own copy of every book we’ve ever liked and read, instead of giving it away when we’re done reading it, or even borrowing it to start with, or reading it in a library?

When it comes to material stuff, let others complete your stuff (by borrowing) and let yourself complete other’s (by lending), instead of wasting resources and space on having your own copy of everything by yourself.

These are just a few examples, but there’re more things we could learn to not own and still have.

Are you storing stuff for others? Or have you stopped doing it? Share this post, and feel free to subscribe yourself! And also feel free to follow me on twitter and retweet this post! Tweet

These days when I’m having a conversation, I do my best to observe myself. What language do I use? Do Isound rude without meaning it? Do I sayunnecessarymocking things without thinking about it? How’s the tone of my voice?

I’ve heard many times that it’s not only the words that speak, and I agree, but if that’s true, you should try to pay attention to the way you speak as well, and don’t hope for the other person to be a mind reader. You probably wouldn’t like that either.

How do you feel when you’re talking to someone? Is it someone you don’t like? Is it someone you don’t know but you’ve heard bad things about? Maybe it’s even someone you’ve liked for a long time, but you’ve started to feel differently about her/him? People tend to say untrue things about others very often, often even without knowing it themselves. Therefor try to get your own picture of the person instead. Your mind also often gets into the bad habit of making you believe things that aren’t true about others, sometimes even without reason. Don’t listen to it, find out the truth yourself!

Another thing is substitutes or the leaving out of common but very handy words, like “thank you” and “you’re welcome“. For example, “good” is not a very good substitute for “thanks”. When you say “good”, you don’t express gratitude to the other person in a way that they probably expect (even though expectations are overrated, don’t expect everyone else to have the same opinion), and the person who did something may get disappointed or sad. It signals that the action done was good, not that the person is appreciated for performing it. I think it’s good not to pay too much attention to what words being said to you (what I mean is the choice of words), but it’s even better to help others to not even having to think about it, by being nice from the start. Try to thank people more! It’s very simple, it contributes to happiness, and it’s a very helpful word!

One way to find out if you despise someone without knowing or thinking about it yourself, is to pay attention when you hear someone speaking about that person, or when thinking about her/him. If you find yourself reacting with one side of your face, like lifting the eyebrow and the corner of your mouth slightly, that’s very often a sign of despise. It can be a very subtle move, but if you pay attention you can find it. And if you do, ask yourself why, and try thinking positively instead.

The more you think negatively of someone, and the more you speak ill of them, even if it’s someone you like and you just speak minor mean or bad things, maybe as a joke, it builds up in your subconsciousness, and eventually you might start despising or disliking the person, maybe even without knowing why.

So, try to have a positive attitude, be nice, not think or speak ill of people, and try to use nice words. Don’t forget “Thank you!” and “You’re welcome!”, and remember: You can’t control what people say to you, but you can control how you react to it!

  • Thanks!
  • You’re Welcome!
  • Observe your speaking
  • Observe your thinking
  • Be nice
  • Sound nice!
  • Speak well of others
  • Stop bad thoughts from building up

Do you observe yourself while speaking? Do you know anyone that’s really good at speaking nicely? Share this post with them to see what they think, and feel free to subscribe yourself! And also feel free to follow me on twitter and retweet this post! Tweet

"Deep inside, it's always my time" - Cry of a Restless Soul, Lost Horizon

Yesterday I dropped my wallet. It was about 40 000 yen (about 3000 sek) and my room key in it. I  was just about to enter the supermarket when I took off my bag and opened the outer pocket on my bag. Strangely enough, the wallet wasn’t there, so I searched the other pockets as well but didn’t find it. My thoughts went something like: “Oh well, I guess I dropped it. I’d be nice if the manager was home so I can get into my room when I get back”, and started walking home. My heart didn’t even flinch.

This might sound a bit careless, but really, I feel great about having acted so calmly! 40k yen is quite some money, but worrying wouldn’t have helped me getting them back. If I’d worried, the only thing that would’ve happened is that I’d be poorer AND feel worse. My general thought of the situation were: “I’ll do what I can to get it back, and if I can’t, I’ll just have to live with it”.

When I got home I told some friends in the living room that I’d lost my wallet, one of them checked up the number to the café (excelsior!) where I thought I’d lost it, I contacted them and told them that I’d probably lost my wallet there, and they said they’d look for it. Then I used my friend’s window to cross over the roof over to my window and into my own room, so at least the key didn’t turn out to be a problem!

I fell asleep later that night without a thought about it.

I know many people that wouldn’t have been able to do that, and some people  even told me I was crazy for not worrying about it. But why? Accept the moment as it is, and make the best of it. It’s really the ONLY thing you can do! Even If you worry about it, or if you accept it as it is, it doesn’t change the situation. It’ll be 100% the same either way, except for your mental and physical well-being. And I prefer having my mental and physical well-being in good shape. Accepting the moment doesn’t mean that you just drop it, not trying to change it, not at all. You can do that all you want to fix it (probably even should, if you don’t like it), but with energy and calmness in your mind and heart.

Having a clear mind without stress or worry is probably also gonna help you do the best of the situation. You can think clearer, act clearer, and you can sleep soundly at night, giving you energy enough to fix the problems you might have.

In this case:

  • What about the money I would’ve had if I hadn’t dropped it!? – That’s a fantasy future you’ve made up. It’s in your head, and it’s not real. Stop worrying about it.
  • But I HAD them! – That’s in the past. It’s not the truth anymore. Drop it, accept the moment as it is and act mindfully and appropriately the way you think will most likely get them back.

In the end, I got my wallet back. I went to the café after school, they remembered me from the phone the day before and returned it to me. I thanked them heartedly and celebrated by getting a coffee. It was really tasty! Even if I hadn’t gotten it back, I’d still be happy for not having worried about it, and for having made my present more important than my past and my fantasy future!

Every moment of your life is your life, moments of awesome and moments of not awesome all the same. Honor all moments of your life by not worrying about moments that are not!

If you feel you can accept the moment and not worry, or if you like the idea of feeling calm and peaceful all the time, feel free to subscribe! And also feel free to follow me on twitter and retweet this post! Tweet

This is a normal morning train in the Tokyo area.When I went to school today, I didn’t get very far at first. When I arrived at the station the first sign that the trip was gonna take a bit longer than normal was that it was quite crowded. That is, you had to push yourself to get through the crowd of people to even get to the station. I heard in the speakers that the train wouldn’t be up and running for another 30-40 minutes, so I thought, why not take a walk to the next station? Instead of getting stressed out, angry or irritated, I just started walking to the next station, enjoying being outside.

But wasn’t I going to be late? Oh yeah, big time. It took me 3 hours to even get to the school, and even though I usually get there 1 hour before it starts, I missed the first class by getting 1 hour late. But there was nothing I could do about it. I texted my teacher saying I was gonna be late, and then I started practicing being present and calm, some mind practice. Why feel stressed out and angered for getting late when it’s gonna happen anyway? Just be present, adapt to make yourself feel better and calm and you’ll get where you’re going anyway, feeling refreshed and happy instead of tired and having a worried stomach.

When you find yourself in a stressful situation, try to focus and turn it into a practice instead. Be the master of the moment! (“Moment Master”, it sounds pretty awesome to me). If you like being in control of things, then this is just perfect for you! I know it isn’t easy, and it might not work in all situations for everyone, but in most cases of stressing moments, like the example I just brought up -being late-, it will work just awesomely. Try focus on your breathing, the feeling of air going through your nose (or mouth if you prefer it). Try thinking of awesome things, or how great your breakfast tasted (if you had one. If you didn’t, you should start having it, you’ll feel less hungry, and it’s easier to get stressed out on an empty stomach). Instead of thinking how stupid and annoying the people around you are, just because they’re in your way of getting on time, try to imagine their situations; They’re probably getting late too, and they probably got to the station well on time, just as you did, to get where they’re going. They’re all in the same situation as you, and they’re not trying to piss you off just by being there. No matter how angry or irritated or stressed out you get, you won’t get there faster. And being stressed out and angry requires energy, so you’ll probably end up hungry as well, and no one likes being hungry. (Maybe some people do, but I don’t know anyone who does).

Just compare these pictures of me:

Me being calm, at peace, one with the world :')

Me, being calm, at peace, one with the world :')

Me, being angry, mad at the traffic and all the stupid people around me! GRR!!!

Me, being angry, mad at the traffic and all the stupid people around me! GRR! >: (

Which one looks like he’ll be having the better day? I don’t know about you, but I’d be betting my pot of gold on the calm one.

If you also got stuck in the traffic but stayed calm and peaceful, or if you like the idea of feeling calm and peaceful all the time anyways, feel free to subscribe! And also feel free to follow me on twitter and retweet this post! Tweet